Friday, 30 August 2019




27th of August,2019 saw the opening of graphic print exhibition of Jaskanwal. Her art is a soul searching odyssey with the print media which has freed her from objective reality, giving her space to experiment with form and give free reign to her imaginative self .The prints are an interplay, of texture, colour and shape. She seems to enjoy the juxtaposition of different planes. Her emotions and cityscapes seemingly blend, creating a sombre mood, or at times there is a joyful journey where the leap of lines from the closed frame, happily surge outwards. The artist’s dexterity in the medium of print shows a perfect balance in terms of colour, composition and space. The maturity in her work shows through .The use of material like crumpled paper, x ray sheets, pins and pieces of cloth create interesting patterns and textures giving a new lease of life to these discarded articles . Through these prints the artist manages to introspect and infuse new meaning to the mundane. These works were created during her residency at Chandigarh Open Hand Art Studios. This exhibition” Introspection” will be on view till 31st August 2019, at Govt. Museum and Art Gallery, 10 am to 6pm



20 th January 2020, 5.30 pm saw the coming together of 20 artists of Unique Society of Panchkula at recently opened underpass connec...